Popping blackheads and whiteheads may be tempting, but it’s important to resist the urge. Popping can actually worsen the condition and lead to further inflammation and scarring.

When you pop a blackhead or whitehead, you risk pushing bacteria deeper into the pore, causing more inflammation and potentially leading to an infection. It can also cause trauma to the surrounding skin, leading to scarring.

If you must extract a blackhead or whitehead, it’s important to do it properly. Start by cleansing your face and hands thoroughly. Then, use a sterilized comedone extractor or a clean tissue to gently apply pressure around the clogged pore. If the blackhead or whitehead doesn’t come out easily, it’s best to leave it alone and seek professional help if needed.

After extracting a blackhead or whitehead, be sure to cleanse the area again and apply a spot treatment containing ingredients like benzoyl peroxide or tea tree oil to help prevent infection and reduce inflammation.

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